5 Ways Shiftr Can Help You Sell Your Sustainable Products

5 Ways Shiftr Can Help You Sell Your Sustainable Products

Have a passion for sustainability? Want to tap into the green economy in a meaningful way? Sure you do , or you wouldn’t be here! You can make an impact as both a buyer and a seller of sustainable products. 

You know you can and will make the planet better. How? Less stuff. Less waste. More often.  

But you are here because you want to sell more things. Doesn’t make sense, or does it? 

It does, because you have tapped into an idea we share with you. We need to have the right environment (pun intended!) to buy and sell sustainable products.  That means products that are re-used, recycled, sustainably made or sourced, so we don’t just keep making new things, denuding the planet in the process. 

You are a social justice warrior and a purveyor of all things green! Now all you need is to sell, right? 


To sell more sustainable products you have to have a fair chance to compete fairly with other sellers. You have to market at scale. You have to show real value. You have to make payment easy. And you have to be able to deliver your goods, to get it to them.

So how do you sell more items and make the world a better place at the same time? Read on to find out…

First, what do we mean by sustainable products? 

The list is extensive, but it includes:

  • Zero Waste Patterns 
  • Biodegradable Products 
  • Upcycled and Reusable Products 
  • Pre Owned Products 
  • Products Manufactured using renewable energy 
  • Products manufactured in water & electricity sparing methods
  • Vegan Products 
  • Plastic Alternatives

All that really means is we want to reuse things (especially resources) if we can.  Renewables and recycling are big for us. So is repurposing. Not wasting is big. And so is not wanting anything we don’t really need. Products made or sourced sustainably, hence sustainable products. 

Try as we might, we can’t live on nothing. There are five key areas we want to share with you that will help you sell the sustainable products people need, without the Earth having to pay our carbon tax. 

You have to:

  1. Have the chance to compete fairly in an open market - no picking on the little guy!
  2. Have really good marketing
  3. Show the market how great your product is
  4. Make it easy for them to pay you
  5. And get it to them, pronto!

1. The chance to compete fairly

If every retail giant is claiming to have “greened” their shelves, what chance do you have?

The biggest challenge for those of us who are serious about selling sustainable products is getting a fair shake. 

At Shiftr, we put all our vendors through a vetting process, to make sure everyone on the playground is playing by the same rules. (Don’t worry, all the other kids had to do the same thing.)

This gives our vendors:

  • Access to a competitive marketplace 
  • A fair chance to compete
  • A market focused exclusively on sustainable products
  • The same ethical and supply chain playground rules for everyone!

2. Market At Scale

You think your product is so cool it should sell itself: how’s that working out for you?

Getting your message into the market costs money and takes time. 

However, if they don’t know about us, they can’t buy from us. And if they can’t buy from us, they may not have much choice but to head to the mall. 

And they are not likely to be buying truly sustainable products there. That’s on us. By combining our efforts, we create more access for more buyers, more often and in a wider area. 

We provide a single platform for buyers and sellers to grow the marketplace for sustainably produced or sourced products, creating scale and efficiency. 


  • Helps you grow the marketplace for sustainable products 
  • Provides you marketing with greater reach, impact and frequency
  • Removes the need for you to build your own platform
  • Will take away the marketing headache for you!

3. Show Real Value

Can you tell someone why they should buy your product without having to explain the Gaia theory?

You work hard to produce high quality sustainable products for your customers. You need to tell them. You need to focus on your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). 

Your USP is something that you do that your customers want, and others do not provide. That represents a big part of your competitive advantage too. 

So have you identified your USP? And do you have all the tools you need to show the amazing products you offer?

At Shiftr, we help you to: 

  • Set up your professional online store
  • Get your shop description right
  • Use great photography to showcase your products in the best light
  • Insert useful links to help your customers receive added value
  • Write impactful blogs to keep them engaged - and explain the Gaia theory!

4. Make Payment Easy

Honestly now, are you selling tie-dye at the market with a Yoco hanging around your neck? 

Apart from the cost of the various payment platforms, customer experience is in the hands of the network and the platform you are using. You may be losing sales or return business due to factors beyond your control. 

After all the hard work to produce and market your sustainable products, you want customers to have a seamless buying experience that makes them want to come back and shop again. 


  • Interfaces with payment gateways for a better user experience
  • Works to make more payment pathways available
  • Seeks to create a seamless buying experience
  • Guarantees you get paid promptly and efficiently 
  • Gets your customer to come back, again and again 

5. Get It To Them

What do you mean, you don’t deliver?

Getting your product to your customer may eat your margin, especially if you are used to serving a local market. Reaching your customers, wherever they are, may be the one thing holding you back from growing your marketplace. 

Your customer should be able to buy from you no matter their location (or yours). 

Shiftr has developed:

  • A sophisticated value chain to ensure timeous deliveries 
  • Seeks to refine and improve its distribution channels constantly
  • So you can get your sustainable products to your customers anywhere
  • And at marginal cost as we have the benefit of scale

Start Selling More Products Today, and Save The Planet!

Shiftr exists to provide a multi-sided marketplace for buyers and sellers of sustainable products. We go to great lengths to provide a seamless retail experience that does justice to our customers and our vendors, and their aspiration to achieve truly sustainable shopping. Our biggest value comes from the hard-working producers and sellers of sustainably sourced products. 

Without you, there is no marketplace. 

Sign up as a vendor today, and help us grow the marketplace for sustainable products. 

SHIFTR - More than just a store - It's a movement towards supporting sustainable, slow and environmentally friendly consumption